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Relationship advice? Travel directions? Recipe Suggestion? Fashion Tips?
Someone out there has the anwser, all you need to do is ask the question!
Ask for iPhone is the only app that has the best answers from real people. Just ask and youll get your answer!

* Browse and answer questions
* Ask about local places near you
* Totally FREE – no service or SMS charges!

* Quick questions: “How many teaspoons in a tablespoon?”
* Weather: “What’s the forecast for NY?”
* Travel: “Where’s a good place to stay in Rome?”
* Entertainment: “When is Lady Gaga coming to town?”
* Local restaurants reviews: “What’s the best sushi place in Palo Alto?”
* Reference: “What’s the longest word in the dictionary?”
* General curiosity: “What happened to Jeeves?”
* How to do something – “How can I remove a wine stain?”